Hong Kong students are watching more porn, but know less about sex

Its latest study on youth sexuality, the Family Planning Association found that 59 per cent of boys and 33 per cent of girls in secondary school had viewed explicit material, up about 5 percentage points from the last study in 2011, and revealed a decline in their sexual knowledge.

However, slightly fewer secondary school pupils were actually having sex. 

One in five boys admitted looking at pornography more than 15 times in the past month, a trend the association’s executive director, Dr Susan Fan Yun-sun, called “worrying”.

With the survey highlighting a lack of awareness on sexual knowledge, especially about pregnancy, Fan urged educators to strengthen sex education in secondary schools.

“Pornography is so widely prevalent on the internet nowadays that we cannot simply put up barriers and ban young people from looking at it,” Fan said on Monday. Read more via South China Morning Post