South Africa: Homophobia widespread in Eastern Cape

The research findings on the IRR’s November 2017 fast facts report revealed that violence against the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBTI) community is most common in the Eastern Cape.

According to the report, some provinces demonstrated much more hostility towards the LGBT community than others – LGBT people in the Eastern Cape are three times more likely to be punched, hit, kicked or beaten than in other provinces.

Research analyst Gerbrandt van Heerden notes that education can play a key role in shifting people’s perspectives on sexuality in a more positive direction. 

“People with a tertiary education in Africa are almost three times as likely to be tolerant towards homosexuals as people who have no formal education.

“A progressive constitution coupled with an education system that reinforces the value of that constitution can go a long way in promoting tolerance and acceptance of the LGBT community.”

Although South Africa boasts one of the most progressive Constitutions in the world, discrimination and violence against the LGBT community remain rampant, according to the report; Four out of ten LGBT South Africans know of someone who was murdered for being or suspected of being part of the LGBT community. Read more via Soweto Urban