Cambodia: Push for LGBT rights

The head of the Cambodia Human Rights Committee has encouraged lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) people to keep up the pressure for social recognition and reduced discrimination, so that legislators may consider policies to recognise them legally.

Keo Remy spoke at the 7th International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association Asia conference “United for Love” at the Cambodiana Hotel in Phnom Penh.

About 300 LGBTIQ people, development partners, organisations, embassy representatives and local authorities from more than 30 countries took part.

Some countries in the region consider homosexuality a crime, with fines and imprisonment.

Others, including Cambodia, have no punishment and there is wide freedom for LGBTIQ people although the Cambodian Constitution has not yet recognised them.

Mr Remy called on LGBTIQ people continue to educate and disseminate awareness of their rights in local communities, across the nation and among their families.

He said they must not cause any problems in society so that legislators would consider preparing amendments to the law in accordance with the social, cultural, economic and political context of the country “For Cambodia, it is not a problem,” he said. “But we may take some time to educate the people in the community and to get recognition from Cambodian society. Read more via Khmer Times