Senegal: Victims of homophobia find respect inside prison walls

African prisons often are hotbeds of homophobic violence, but that hasn’t been the experience of seven Senegalese men convicted in November on homosexuality charges. Treated respectfully by at least two prison officials, last month they also met with LGBTQ rights advocates who visited them in prison.

Estonia: President Kersti Kaljulaid urged to link the referendum to the issue of confidence in parliament

Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid on Monday, January 11, addressed the factions of the Riigikogu with a proposal to link the planned referendum on marriage with the question of confidence in parliament. According to Prime Minister Juri Ratas, the president is thus interfering too actively in current politics.

UNAIDS calls for the LGBT community in Uganda to be treated with respect and dignity at all times

UNAIDS is concerned that the vilification of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) communities in Uganda could lead to heightened violence, stigma and discrimination against them and reduce their access to HIV and other essential services. In a recent media interview, the President, Yoweri Museveni, described being LGBT as a “deviation”.

China dating app helps raise awareness of LGBT issues

Discussion of LGBT issues remains contentious in China, with activists complaining of tightened restrictions on public discussion in recent years. But despite being repeatedly shut down in the first few years of its existence, Blued has largely avoided conflict with authorities

US: Administration Launches 11th Hour Attack Against LGBTQ People, Women, Religious Minorities with Final HHS Regulation

The Human Rights Campaign responded to news that at the 11th hour the lame duck Trump-Pence White House finalized a regulation that would permit discrimination against LGBTQ people, religious minorities and women in programs related to foster care, adoption, HIV and STI prevention, youth homelessness, refugee resettlement, elder care programs and more.