US: Department of Education Publishes Memorandum Misconstruing Supreme Court’s Bostock Decision

The Human Rights Campaign responded to the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights publication of a memorandum misconstruing the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, prohibiting discrimination against LGBTQ people, and its application to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.

First-ever Jamaica transgender strategy looks beyond health

Imagine using a health-care system that has no concept of you as a person, or of your unique needs. Nurses might not ask important questions. Doctors might overlook the solutions you really require. You might feel unwelcome.

Greece Just Appointed Its First Out Gay Cabinet Minister

The center-right government of Greece announced the country’s first out minister on Monday. Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis appointed Nicholas Yatromanolakis as the new deputy minister of culture. The 44-year-old native of Athens had previously served as the culture ministry’s general secretary.

Turkey: “We shall defend the rights of LGBTI persons without any exception”

In the series of “Rights”, which we initiated by saying that “Now, it is high time”, our second guest is Öztürk Türkdoğan, Co-Chair of the Human Rights Association (IHD). We discussed the brief history of the relation between human rights struggle and LGBT rights in Turkey with Türkdoğan today.

Breaking the silence on gender identity in Asia Pacific

“It is very important for all genders to achieve equal access to sexual and reproductive health and other social services, including participation in economic activities,” said Chivorn Var, founder and executive director of Reproductive Health Association of Cambodia (RHAC)

Brazil: A Huge Concrete Vagina Sculpture is Drawing Attention to Women’s Rights

Artwork that vividly depicts or celebrates the vagina in some way is a territory that’s as well-trodden as still life paintings of bowls of fruit, but nevertheless, a global uprising of conservative mentalities has recently resulted in vagina artwork being deemed controversial