UNAIDS applauds the vote by Bhutan’s parliament to repeal laws that criminalize and discriminate against LGBT people

UNAIDS congratulates Bhutan’s parliament on voting to repeal Sections 213 and 214 of the country’s Penal Code. Those provisions criminalized certain private sexual acts and led to discrimination against and the marginalization of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people. The country’s parliament voted for the repeal on Human Rights Day, 10 December.

SAA announces venue change for 2021 International Conference on AIDS & STIs in Africa

The Society for AIDS in Africa (SAA), organizers of the International Conference on AIDS & STIs in Africa (ICASA), would like to inform with deep regret, all partners, stakeholders, delegates and the international community, that unfortunately ICASA 2021 will no longer be held in Kampala, Uganda from 6th - 11th December 2021 as planned as a result of circumstances beyond our control.

Kings: navigating the perspectives of trans men and masculine presenting LBQ women in the Global South

This screening and panel discussions are seeking to highlight the experiences of transgender men and masculine presenting lesbian, bisexual and queer women across the Global South, with speakers from Trinidad and Tobago, Belize, Eswatini, Venezuela, UK and more.

Rainbow Railroad Works to Rescue 60 LGBT Victims Overseas With End of Year Campaign

The Rainbow Railroad receives thousands of requests for foreign help each year. In countries like Egypt, Russia, Uganda and Indonesia, LGBT people face abuse. The 60 in 60 campaign hopes to help 60 people move to safety and conclude 2020 with a spirit of generosity and mercy.

Outright International COVID-19 Global LGBTIQ Emergency Fund update

During times of crisis, vulnerable communities, such as LGBTIQ people, become more vulnerable. With the onset of COVID-19, not only do we experience higher barriers of access to healthcare, rising levels of domestic and family violence, and disproportionate food and shelter insecurity, we also face an inability to access emergency relief which too often excludes us.