Pubertal blockers for transgender and gender diverse youth

Transgender and gender diverse children might choose to temporarily suppress puberty through the use of prescription medications called pubertal blockers. But deciding to get this treatment is a big step. Here's what you need to know about the pubertal blocker medication known as gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogues, including the benefits, side effects and long-term effects.

The Case for Gay Reparations

The first book-length treatment on the subject of gay reparations in the United States and abroad. Includes in-depth interviews with some of the most important figures of the gay reparations movement in the United States, Spain, Britain, and Germany

Argentina: Silvia Lospennato defends the legalization of abortion: "No one else will decide for us"

As was the case in 2018, the national deputy for Cambiemos, Silvia Lospennato , gave an energetic closing speech in favor of the bill on voluntary interruption of pregnancy , and stressed the need to legislate and "continue fighting for freedom and equality "for women and girls to decide on their bodies.

Same-sex marriage one step closer in Switzerland

Is Switzerland set to introduce same-sex marriage?

Switzerland's parliament on Wednesday ironed out a few remaining wrinkles in a bill to allow same-sex couples to marry in a country lagging behind much of Europe on gay rights.

Agreement on the wording of the bill paves the way for gays and lesbians to marry and for lesbians to access sperm donations, although it is likely to go to a popular vote before being turned into law. 

Switzerland is one of few European countries where same-sex marriage is not legal.

The country allows same-sex couples to enter into "registered partnerships", but this does not provide the same rights as marriage, including for obtaining citizenship and the joint adoption of children.

Left-leaning parties hailed Wednesday's agreement as "historic".

"It is about time that we put an end to institutional discrimination, and provide the same rights to everyone," Nicolas Walder, an MP with the Greens, told the house, according to the ATS news agency.

Parliamentarians have been debating the new bill since 2013, with multiple rounds of back and forth between the two houses.

One of the sticking points finally agreed on Wednesday was that lesbians should have access to sperm donations, despite continued opposition from the right.

Read more via Local/AFP

Correlates of loneliness in older persons living with HIV

Loneliness poses a significant risk for morbidity and mortality in the context of older adulthood. Research shows that older persons living with HIV (PLWH) often face increased and complex vulnerability in terms of physical and psychosocial needs which may promote loneliness.