
How prejudice strips people with disabilities of their sexual and reproductive rights

Using sexual and reproductive health services can be awkward. This feeling of discomfort can discourage people from asking their doctor about contraceptive options or to check out infections. For people with physical disabilities there are additional challenges such as healthcare workers’ prejudice with regards to their right to have sex and children. South Africa’s Constitution grants people with disabilities the same access to healthcare as the rest of the population. But as the results of a South African study show, the reality is quite different.

Special Issue: Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on LGBTQ+ Health and Well-Being

This special issue on the impacts of COVID-19 on LGBTQ+ health and well-being reports findings from nine articles with varied study designs, including data from multiple countries and all segments of LGBTQ+ communities.

Upholding human rights in times of crisis and pandemics: gender, equality and non-discrimination

The Covid-19 pandemic is more than a global health crisis. Its impact on human lives around the world has been devastating, with millions of people infected and hundreds of thousands killed. But its ramifications have also extended far beyond the realm of health.

US: Trump budget assailed for ‘troubling’ cuts to LGBT civil rights

President Trump’s commitment to upholding civil rights for LGBT people has come into renewed question in the wake of a budget proposal that makes substantial cuts to agencies enforcing non-discrimination laws and cumulative actions over the course of his administration undermining those statutes.