Mental Health of Transgender Adolescents Around the Globe—A Call for Comprehensive Assessment of Gender Identity

The study by Wang et al adds to mounting evidence that transgender youth around the globe are experiencing alarmingly high rates of mental health problems compared with their cisgender peers.

China: Mental Health Status of Cisgender and Gender-Diverse Secondary School Students

Transgender or gender nonconforming (TGNC) adolescents face a wide range of physical and mental health concerns. However, there has been no school-based study to explore the prevalence and mental health status of these adolescents in mainland China.

Ukraine: Non-Governmental Organizations for Harm Reduction

There is a high prevalence of HIV (5.2% in 2018) among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Ukraine. HIV testing, condom provision and facilitated linkage to HIV treatment have been funded by various bodies through non‐governmental organizations (NGOs). We investigated whether contact with these NGOs was associated with improved prevention and treatment outcomes among MSM in Ukraine.

US: Suicidality Among Youth Who are Questioning, Unsure of, or Exploring Their Sexual Identity

Many studies have found that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth are disproportionately impacted by poor mental health outcomes. However, there remains a gap in understanding factors associated with the mental health of youth who are questioning, unsure of, or exploring (QUE) their sexual identity.

Murdered, Suffocated And Burned Alive: 350 Transgender People Killed In 2020

The violence and horror of the murders, where transgender people were burned alive, suffocated and murdered, are catalogued by the project which also has the full list of all those killed this year.

India: How constitutional courts can recognize same-sex marriage

In Part 1, DORMAAN DALAL examined the provisions of the Special Marriage Act to gauge its heteronormativity and gender neutrality. IN Part 2, he plays the role of a devil’s advocate to examine the probable arguments of the respondents by analysing the Third and Fourth Schedule of the Act.