UNAIDS: “Global solidarity, shared responsibility”.

COVID-19 is showing once again how health is interlinked with other critical issues, such as reducing inequality, human rights, gender equality, social protection and economic growth. With this in mind, this year the theme of World AIDS Day is “Global solidarity, shared responsibility”.

Estonia: Coalition agrees on marriage definition question wording

The three coalition parties have agreed on a question for a planned national poll on the definition of marriage. ERR's online news in Estonian reports that the question will be formulated as: "Should marriage in Estonia remain as a union between one man and one woman?".

‘China has a national sexual illiteracy’: the challenges in the way of developing sex education in the country

Demand for sex education is on the rise in China; however, deep-seated values could stand in the way of developing sex education despite a recent law change. Many families do not believe teenagers should date before university and believe that the father should be the decision maker in a household

TMM Update Trans Day of Remembrance 2020

350 trans and gender-diverse people reported murdered in the last year

US: Biden talked a big game on LGBTQ rights. Here's what his agenda may look like.

Just a week after Election Day, President-elect Joe Biden is doubling down on promises made to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer Americans during his campaign and signaling his intent to reverse course from the Trump administration, which was marked by several rollbacks in LGBTQ rights.

Business, Workplace and LGBTI Equality: best practices and challenges ahead

This event aims to bring together different stakeholders - including civil society, corporations, international organisations, and trade unions - in order to address different aspects of the topic of Business, Workplace and LGBTI equality, discuss the legal framework established by international human rights law, share best practices and debate the challenges faced - especially those imposed by the current global pandemic.

Poland: Working together to end discriminaiton

" What is LGBT for in our protests? You have to unite and some people will turn away because of it "; "Now it's time for abortion and women, LGBT now has no problems", "now you have to score PiS, that is, women, healthcare, entrepreneurs, not", "they push and stick everywhere", or simply: "wall behind women, away with fags "- comments on the net.