US: Citizenship of Children of Married Same-Sex Couples Is Secure After U.S. Department of State Folds Following Mounting Court Losses

Two key legal victories on behalf of married same-sex couples and their children became final after the U.S. State Department withdrew arguments. In both cases, federal district courts found the U.S. Department of State’s refusal to recognize the U.S. citizenship of the children born abroad to two married same-sex, U.S. citizen couples to be unlawful.

Council of Europe: Remote fact-finding mission on the situation of LGBTI + people in Poland

The Congress will lead, on 2-3 November 2020, a remote fact-finding mission into the situation of LGBTI + people in Poland, following a request from members of the Polish Parliament about the growing attacks and discrimination against of LGBTI + people.

Chile: Murders and beatings of men who make dates with other men through apps on the rise

El Movilh pointed out that in less than a year 4 people have been killed and about 15 beaten, in a context where 84.9% of homo / bisexual men acknowledge that they agree to dates with other men through applications. The last fatal victim was Miguel Arenas Rodríguez, murdered in Colina The family, together with the Movih, are preparing a complaint

US: Texas social workers will no longer be allowed to discriminate against LGBTQ Texans and people with disabilities

The Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council voted unanimously to restore protections for social workers' LGBTQ and disabled clients after backlash from advocates and lawmakers.