Tunisia: Solidarity statement with Tunisian Queer movement

Twenty regional human rights advocacy groups released a joint statement in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ movement in Tunisia, led by the organization DAMJ, Association for Justice and Equality. Tunisia has seen an influx in hate speech targeting LGBTQ+ people across social media throughout the summer and fall.

US: Christian groups spent $280m fighting LGBT+ rights, abortion overseas

Right-wing U.S. groups have put more than $280 million into campaigns against LGBT+ rights and abortion worldwide since 2007, almost $90 million of which focused on Europe

US: Intersex Activists Push Hospitals to Ditch Nonconsensual Surgeries on Children

“For me it’s actually kind of an emotional moment because myself and so many others have been speaking out and allowing ourselves to be vulnerable, talking about our own personal experiences and speaking that truth to power,” Zieselman told Truthout. “To finally have a concrete result like a major institution like Boston Children’s stating that they will end two of the most harmful surgeries is really just quite amazing.”

Russia: Does being gay get in the way of getting a job?

The Catholic Church has supported the right of same-sex couples to found a family. In Russia, the rights of sexual minorities to register civil unions are not recognized. In addition to the impossibility of starting a family, LGBT people in the country face domestic aggression and difficulties in finding a job. Gazeta.Ru investigated whether harassment of the community could affect business, work, and brain drain.