Denmark: Organization sees risk in extending racism clause

The Social Democrats have proposed extending the "racism clause" so that it becomes illegal to mock or demean people because of their gender identity or gender expression. But the Danish Journalists' Association's deputy chairman, Allan Boye Thulstrup, believes this is too far an interference with freedom of expression.

Italy: Telemedicine for endocrinological care of transgender subjects during COVID-19 pandemic

During the COVID-19 outbreak, transgender persons have faced additional social, psychological and physical difficulties. In Italy and in several other countries access to healthcare has been difficult or impossible thereby hindering the start or continuation of hormonal and psychological treatments.

France: National action plan for equality, against hatred and anti-LGBT + discrimination

With 42 concrete actions, the government's new national action plan is based on four areas: recognition of the rights of LGBT + people; strengthening their access to rights; fighting anti-LGBT + hatred and improving the daily life of LGBT + people.

Upholding human rights in times of crisis and pandemics: gender, equality and non-discrimination

The Covid-19 pandemic is more than a global health crisis. Its impact on human lives around the world has been devastating, with millions of people infected and hundreds of thousands killed. But its ramifications have also extended far beyond the realm of health.