Iran: 42% of Iranian LGBTI are victims of sexual violence and rape

62% of Iranian LGBTI experience one or more forms of violence perpetuated by their immediate family; nearly 30% of them experience sexual violence and more than 77% of them physical violence; close to 38% of them are under pressure for forced marriage.

France: The Court of Cassation refuses a transgender woman to be considered the mother of her daughter

A transgender woman, born a man, demanded the right to be considered the mother of her daughter, conceived in a natural way but when she had already changed marital status. The Court of Cassation dismissed his appeal.

Amendments to the Family Code of Russia are discussed in the Kuban parliament

A joint meeting of the committee on science, education, culture and family affairs and the committee on legality, law and order and legal protection of citizens was held in the Kuban parliament. We discussed changes to the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the press service of the Krasnodar Territory Legislative Assembly reports.

Two different cases of PrEP failure despite high adherence underline that such events are rare, but should not be ignored

Two reports of HIV infection occurring despite apparent adequate adherence to PrEP, confirmed by drug level testing, are the first reliably documented cases to be published in peer-reviewed journals since 2018.

Book launch "Palgrave Handbook of Critical Menstruation Studies"

It has been said so often it is now cliché—“menstruation is having its moment!” But what is this moment actually about? What are we talking about when we talk about menstruation?

Barbados: Government Prepared To Recognise Civil Unions For Same-Gender Couples

Government is prepared to recognise a form of civil unions for couples of the same gender, so as to ensure that no human being in Barbados will be discriminated against in the exercise of civil rights, that ought to be theirs.

UN LGBTI Core Group High Level Event: Building Back Better. - Save the Date

Those who suffer from intersecting forms of discrimination are often pushed into a vicious circle during their entire lives. The UN LGBTI Core Group will hear from a panel to address these intersecting forms of discrimination that impact LGBTI people.