Belize: Cabinet Will Not Table Equal Opportunities Bill

"The decision was taken to not proceed with the bill at this time, and to withdraw it. While this is Cabinet's position, it views with deep regret the circumstances surrounding the bill being brought before the Cabinet for its approval which is a mere part of the legislative process.”

US: Gonorrhea, syphilis cases rise as stay-at-home orders recede

Public health experts discussed how nationwide trends of gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis testing and diagnosis have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic at a virtual roundtable as part of the 2020 STD Prevention Conference September 14.

Russia: Transgender Russians Are Under Attack

Transgender Russians could see their lives radically altered if the anti-LGTB “Traditional Values” bill passes the Duma this fall. The bill would effectively eliminate the legal recognition of transgender people in Russia and make life infinitely more difficult for them.

Queer Russians Are Blocked From Seeking Refuge

'Now we all have a chance, in a way, to experience what a life of an asylum seeker is like,' says Veronika Lapina of the LGBT Network. 'A constant suspension and transition state where your future is a hostage to the situation. When you have no idea what to expect next.'

Ecuador: Organizations announce collection of signatures to veto the Health Code

The National Front for the Family together with other civil society organizations and religious groups announced yesterday in Guayaquil the beginning of the collection of signatures and mobilizations to request the total presidential veto of the Organic Health Code (COS), a norm that was approved by the National Assembly, last Tuesday, August 25.