Trinidad and Tobago: Senate votes against protection orders among same-sex couples

A move to allow same-sex (LGBT) people to apply for protection orders under Domestic Violence law failed to receive the nod of the Senate yesterday, as only four Independent senators voted in favour of it, Government senators voted against, and Opposition senators abstained.

How globalisation has transformed the fight for LGBTQ+ rights

Much progress has been made in attitudes towards sexual equality and gender identity – but in many places a dramatic backlash by conservative forces has followed.

UNAIDS: COVID-19 could affect the availability and cost of antiretroviral medicines, but the risks can be mitigated

The objective of this report is to assess the situational landscape during mid-May 2020 surrounding the value chain of the production and distribution of generic antiretroviral medicines in low- and-middle-income countries and to provide recommendations on mitigating the risks of potential disruptions.

Jamaica: Churches Opening Up To LGBTs

Although still facing backlash from the majority of churches in Jamaica, Jaevion Nelson, executive director of Equality for All Jamaica Foundation, said some church leaders are currently standing out in support of people belonging to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community, and welcoming them in their churches.

UK: This year, we need Pride's spirit of solidarity and inclusion more than ever

Prompt action matters. Our collective mission should be set out to address discrimination and long-term effects in our societies with the same determination we are bringing to battle this pandemic. Breaking the secrecy and isolation surrounding LGBTQ+ communities is the key to inclusion of LGBTQ+ people who during this crisis are being pushed to the margins of society.

El Salvador: Coronavirus lockdown leaves LGBTQ Salvadorans even more vulnerable

In the months since the coronavirus pandemic began in China, it has affected the whole world and El Salvador is no exception. Apart from not acquiring this virus and taking necessary sanitation measures, there are also concerns over the violation of human rights and the lack of support for the most vulnerable people who have been affected by the country’s mandatory lockdown.

US: LGBTQ Clinics Sue Trump Administration Over Discrimination In Trans Health Care

The last few days have involved a bit of whiplash for people in the LGBTQ community. Today, the Supreme Court issued a landmark decision. It ruled that protections against sex discrimination in employment cover people who are gay or transgender. But last Friday, the Trump administration issued a rule that asserts this - that sex discrimination in health care does not cover the discrimination of gay or transgender people - two branches of government saying pretty much opposite things. Here to help us explain all of this is NPR health policy reporter Selena Simmons-Duffin.

US: HRC Mourns Selena Reyes-Hernandez, Trans Woman Killed in Chicago

HRC is heartbroken to learn of the death of Selena Reyes-Hernandez, a 37-year-old transgender woman shot to death in Chicago on May 31. Her death is believed to be at least the 16th known violent death of a transgender or gender non-conforming person this year in the U.S. HRC has tracked eight such deaths from May 3rd to June 9th, constituting the greatest number of deaths we have recorded in this amount of time.

Community-led responses in the time of COVID – UNAIDS global survey

UNAIDS is conducting a global survey of community-led organizations and networks who work in the HIV field, in order to learn about the impact that COVID-19 has had on their existing HIV/AIDS work, as well as the new efforts they have been undertaking in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic.

US: Lambda Legal Sues Trump Administration Over Anti-Transgender Health Care Rule

Today, Lambda Legal and Steptoe & Johnson LLP filed a lawsuit challenging the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently published health care discrimination rule that purports to carve out LGBTQ people and other vulnerable populations from the protections of Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, among other bases.

Poland: Most Poles reject the story of the dangerous LGBT ideology

“Do you agree with the opinion that LGBT is a dangerous ideology?" - we asked Polish people. It turns out that during a homophobic campaign, President Andrzej Duda lost more than he gained. He pushed the young away from him. Also Confederate voters. See the results of the Ipsos survey