Uganda: High Court rules in favor of 19 arrested LGBT youth

The civil division of the High Court, on 17th June 2020, delivered its final ruling in the main application filed by Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Forum (HRAPF) challenging the refusal of by prisons’ authorities to allow the #COSF19 access to their legal representation.

UN says resuming refugee resettlement as virus restrictions ease

The United Nations said Thursday it was resuming resettlement travel for refugees, which was suspended in March due to the coronavirus crisis, delaying departures for some 10,000 refugees. The UN agencies for refugees and for migration jointly announced “the resumption of resettlement departures” by people already living as refugees who have been approved to move to third countries.

US: Supreme Court LGBT Ruling Leaves Out 1 in 6 American Workers

The U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark decision holding that employers can’t discriminate against workers based on their sexual orientation or gender identity has a glaring loophole: It doesn’t apply to small businesses that employ as many as one in six Americans.

The impact of COVID-19 on Displaced LGBTQI Persons: Policy Report

COVID-19 has emerged as a devastating global pandemic, with over 5 million cases and 330,000 deaths as of June 2020. It is disproportionately affecting those most vulnerable, including LGBTQI Internally Displaced Persons.

UK: LGBT political group anger at trans law 'changes'

We write together as representatives of the LGBT+ Groups of seven political parties represented in Westminster. We stand together in our opposition to any proposal to place unnecessary restrictions on trans people, hindering their ability to live freely and without fear.

ASPIRE: Guidelines for an LGBT-inclusive COVID-19 response

In recognition of Pride month, the UN Independent Expert on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (IE SOGI), Mr. Victor Madrigal-Borloz, will be launching new guidelines for states to ensure a COVID-19 response free from violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Tanzania: Freddie Mercury’s Zanzibar museum hides his gay past

A museum dedicated to the Queen frontman Freddie Mercury has opened at his childhood home on the island of Zanzibar to celebrate his life — albeit only part of it. Mercury’s birth certificate is on show, but his death in 1991, aged 45, from an Aids-related illness goes unrecorded.