Panama tells police to be fair on trans people in gender-based lockdowns

Authorities in Panama have ordered police to avoid discriminating against LGBT+ people during the country’s gender-based coronavirus lockdown following an outcry over trans people being detained for going outside on the “wrong” day.

South Korea: Homophobia Hampers South Korea's Virus Campaign

As South Korea grapples with a new spike in coronavirus infections thought to be linked to nightspots in Seoul, including several popular with gay men, it's also seeing rising homophobia that's making it difficult for sexual minorities to come forward for diagnostic tests.

US: Aimee Stephens, the center of landmark transgender rights Supreme Court case, dies before the ruling

For the better part of the past decade, Aimee Stephens was fighting two battles: one against kidney disease, and another that went to the Supreme Court, a potential landmark case over her 2013 firing after coming out to her boss as transgender.

US: Supreme Court Takes On Employment Bias at Religious Schools

The Supreme Court heard arguments on Monday on how broadly federal employment discrimination laws apply to schools run by churches in two cases that will give the court another opportunity to rule on the proper relationship between church and state, a topic that has deeply engaged the justices.

US: Lambda Legal Statement on Senate Vote Amending Puerto Rico’s Civil Code

"However, the proposed new Civil Code still falls woefully short of reflecting the progress we have made in our society and fails to recognize modern families. In the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic and the wave of violence affecting transgender people in the Island, Puerto Rico’s legislature chose to prioritize a flawed new Civil Code, without the benefit of public hearings or an open process.”

Australia: LGBTQI Activists Call for Complete Review of Discrimination Act After Mark Latham Proposes Amendments

The NSW Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby (GLRL) has identified significant existing flaws with the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (the Act) after NSW One Nation leader, Mark Latham proposed changes to the state’s anti-discrimination laws.

Indonesia: YouTube prankster arrested after giving out garbage-filled 'aid packages' to transwomen

Vlogger Ferdian Paleka has been arrested after posting a YouTube video of him and his friend apparently pulling a "prank" on transwomen by giving them fake staple food donations in the form of boxes containing garbage.