India: Draft Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Rules 2020: Critical Appraisal

Yet again the Legislature has swiftly and quite smartly undertaken another step in ensuring bucket list being checked, pacification of sentiments and a law seemingly to be brought in place for protection of the community that deserves a much more attention than the present state and frame of mind with which they are dealt.

UNAIDS calls on Hungary to respect the rights of transgender people

Both international and European human rights bodies have affirmed the right of people to legally change their gender and name to match their gender identity, recognizing that the right is fundamental to the enjoyment of many other rights. UNAIDS is therefore concerned that the Government of Hungary is proposing to remove the right of the people of Hungary to legally change their gender on legal documents.

UNAIDS: The response to COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean must respect the human rights of Trans identities and all gender expressions.

UNAIDS and REDLACTRANS call on governments and partners to protect, support and respect the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people during the response to COVID-19. During the pandemic, the latter may be in a particularly vulnerable situation, as well as those living with compromised immune systems, including some people with HIV and AIDS.

Colombia: Stress, Health, and Wellbeing of LGBT People

This study is the largest and most comprehensive study conducted on LGBT people in Colombia. It examines the demographic characteristics, socioeconomic status, exposure to stress, discrimination and violence, and the health status of LGBT Colombians.

UNAIDS urges countries to stay focused on HIV prevention during the COVID-19 pandemic

Overstretched health systems, lockdowns, loss of livelihoods and fewer employment opportunities could increase unprotected sex, sexual violence and exploitation, transactional sex and sex work, leading to an increase in new HIV infections