Sports and Culture

Brazil: 'População homossexual Brasileira sofreu e ainda sofre um massacre', diz João Silvério Trevisan

Em livro de memórias, 'Pai, pai', ativista revisita traumas e relação difícil com pai intolerante

In memoir, 'Father, father, "activist revisits trauma and difficult relationship with intolerant father

Brazil: Transgender Brazilians Embrace Hit Soap Opera: ‘Now You Can See Us

While Brazil developed a reputation for inclusive social policies during the 13 years it was led by the leftist Workers’ Party, whose tenure ended last year, the country remains in many ways a deeply conservative nation, where activists say gay and transgender people face widespread stigmatization and violence.

Australia: Watch Macklemore's Controversial Performance at National Rugby League Grand Final

Australia is in the midst of a nationwide vote on gay marriage, and Macklemore took a stand for equality during his pre-game performance at the National Rugby League Grand Final Sunday (Oct. 1).

Brazil: Apagada por mais de 160 anos, a poesia LGBT brasileira é resgatada por pesquisadoras

Amanda Machado e Marina Moura resgatam autores e poemas LGBT no livro “Poesia Gay Brasileira”, em fase de financiamento coletivo

Cleared for over 160 years, the Brazilian LGBT poetry is rescued by researchers