School Days

US: A legislator’s daughter called him out for endorsing an anti-LGBT bill, so he apologized

A Republican lawmaker from Kansas has apologized and removed his name from a piece of highly contentious anti-LBGTQ legislation after his daughter wrote an open letter, publicly shaming him for sponsoring it.

UK: School lessons to cover sexting, FGM and mental health

Three new subjects have been created – relationships education from primary school, relationships and sex education at secondary school, and health education for all ages in which students will learn about the importance of getting enough sleep, the dangers of sexting and how to spot anxiety in their friends.

US: Proposed U.S. state law would limit play for transgender students

Lawmakers in the U.S. Midwest on Thursday weighed a proposal to limit transgender students’ right to play school sports, a measure legal experts say would be as incendiary as a bathroom ban approved three years ago in the state of North Carolina.

Australia: Senate Report Into Bill to Protect LGBTI Students Recommends Further Delay

"Religious freedom is a vital aspect of Australian society and religious communities should feel respected and protected," the committee's report states, recommending legislation to remove discrimination exemptions not be passed and for the issue to undergo another inquiry.

Canada: Gay-straight alliances contribute to a safer school climate long-term

Gay-straight alliances (GSAs) help make schools safer for students the longer they are in place, even among straight students, finds new research from the Stigma and Resilience Among Vulnerable Youth Centre at the University of British Columbia.

US: After ‘Empire’ actor’s alleged assault, his upset fans are coming to the aid of NC college

The campaign to save North Carolina’s Bennett College has drawn some high-profile supporters, including Jussie Smollett, the “Empire” actor who this week reported he was attacked in Chicago by two masked men who uttered racial and homophobic slurs.