US: A legislator’s daughter called him out for endorsing an anti-LGBT bill, so he apologized

A Republican lawmaker from Kansas has apologized and removed his name from a piece of highly contentious anti-LBGTQ legislation after his daughter wrote an open letter, publicly shaming him for sponsoring it.

Christel Highland, the daughter of State Rep. Ron Highland (R), wrote the open letter to her father on Facebook this week, asking him why he would “openly attempt at policy that elevates hate and hurts my family or friends.”

Soon after, the legislator admitted that endorsing the bill “was a mistake.”

“The bill that I should not have signed on to cosponsor contained some hateful language which I do not condone, and it is against our Lord’s command to love our neighbors. I have asked for my name to be removed from the bill. The process for doing so is in motion,” Ron Highland said in a statement to the Wamego Times, according to the Mercury.

Highland could not be reached for comment.

The recent controversy surrounds House Bill 2320 — which aims to have same-sex marriages deemed “parody marriages” and allow the state to deny them. Read more via Washington Post