School Days

Italy: Ci mancava solo il bus anti gender: ecco l'ultima follia firmata Family day

Manifesti omotransfobici annunciano il passaggio del 'Bus delle libertà' per combattere 'l'emergenza educativa'. Un tour di 15 giorni nelle principali città italiane con la scritta "I bambini sono maschi e le bambine femmine". Le associazioni LGBT: "Una vergogna, Raggi faccia qualcosa"

Colombia: Corte concede a menores transgénero cambiar su registro civil antes de los 18 años

Así lo determinó la Corporación al fallar una tutela presentada por los padres de familia en favor de Manuel* su hijo transgenerista de 17 años, quien nació como mujer y que inició el proceso de transición de género a varón.

The Constitutional Court ruled a 17-year-old should be allowed to change gender in official documents before the typical age of majority (18).


US: Video game boosts sex health IQ and attitudes in minority teens

A video game to promote health and reduce risky behavior in teens improves sexual health knowledge and attitudes among minority youth, according to a new study. The findings validate the value of the video game as a tool to engage and educate teens at risk for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, said the researchers.