Book Review: “The Queering of Corporate America”


“The Queering of Corporate America” by Carlos A. Ball
c.2019, Beacon Press
$28.95 / $38.95 Canada
256 pages

Delivery for your company’s product isn’t what it used to be.

No, you can unequivocally say it’s better. With the internet, great shipping partners, better routing, and better internal handling, you get product out faster and more efficiently. People sometimes resist, but change is good and in the new book “The Queering of Corporate America” by Carlos A. Ball, you’ll see another benefit of moving forward.

In the days before Stonewall, not many places would accept advertisements for organizations that worked primarily with gay or lesbian customers. Many B2B companies were also reluctant to work with LGBT-friendly entities. That was common because, in the beginning of business in America, corporations were often at least partially funded by the state in which they operated; in many cases, a corporation couldn’t be created without the assent of the state legislature. By the latter 1960s, there was more leeway in forming a corporation, and legalities were looser but, says Ball, businesses had to tackle racial discrimination before they considered issues of discrimination against LGBTQ people. Read more via Twin Cities Business