Switzerland: President of the Protestant churches supports marriage for all

Gottfried Locher, the president of the Federation of Protestant Churches, is in favor of marriage for all. Like everything, homosexuality has also been created by God, he explains in a personal capacity. The Reformed are divided on this issue.

Both civil and religious marriage should be possible for same-sex couples, says Gottfried Locher on Friday to Tamedia's German publications. According to the Bernese theologian, it is important for Protestant churches to take this new social consensus seriously.

Marriage is not a question of confession for the Reformed and is not one of the fundamental questions of faith.

The 52-year-old theologian believes that there is a proven system whereby the state defines marriage to which the Protestant church then gives God's blessing. We must continue to apply this system. "If the state opens up to same-sex marriage, I do not see why we should not follow it."

Protestants divided

Protestant churches have so far failed to agree on the issue. The meeting of delegates is expected to be decided on November 4th. And according to Gottfried Locher, the subject has the potential to provoke a split.

Asked by 12:30, Line Dépraz, pastor and member of the Council synodal vaudois, acknowledges that the position of Gottfried Locher "may cause turmoil". On the method, she considers "tendentious" that Gottfried Locher expresses himself in his personal capacity: "he had to imagine that his remarks were going to be taken up in an institutional way". Read more via RTS

Le président des Eglises protestantes favorable au mariage pour tous

Gottfried Locher, le président de la Fédération des Eglises protestantes, se prononce en faveur du mariage pour tous. Comme tout, l'homosexualité a aussi été créée par Dieu, explique-t-il à titre personnel. Les réformés sont divisés sur cette question.

Tant le mariage civil que religieux devraient être possibles pour les couples homosexuels, affirme vendredi Gottfried Locher aux publications alémaniques de Tamedia. Selon le théologien bernois, il est important que les Eglises protestantes prennent au sérieux ce nouveau consensus social.

Le mariage n'est pas une question de confession pour les réformés et ne fait pas partie des questions fondamentales de la foi.

Le théologien de 52 ans estime qu'il existe un système éprouvé selon lequel l'État définit le mariage auquel l'Eglise protestante donne ensuite la bénédiction de Dieu. Il faut continuer à appliquer ce système. "Si l'État s'ouvre au mariage homosexuel, je ne vois pas pourquoi on ne devrait pas le suivre."