Poland: The court ruled that the child has two mothers

The court in Krakow approved the birth certificate of a child who has two mothers. He decided that the decision of the civil registrar who had copied the British file was correct. An unlawful verdict is a precedent, because in Polish law a child must have a father and mother. Material of the "Polska i Świat" magazine on TVN24.

In the Provincial Administrative Court in Krakow a sentence was passed that could change the fate of many children. The court considered the case of two women who live in the UK and are in a relationship. One of them is Polish. The in vitro method was followed by a child who was issued a birth certificate by the British authority under British law. There, in the "Parents" column, two mothers were entered.

Anna Szkodzińska from the Voivodship Administrative Court emphasized that the child was born abroad, but is a Pole by virtue of law, because Polish is a mother. - A very interesting issue, because the constitutional problem and very vital issue of protection of children's rights - she admitted.

Precedence judgment Polish identity is a confirmation of Polish citizenship. To get it, you need to transcribe, or literally translate the British birth certificate into Polish. Only in Poland, the officials did not want to enter two mothers, and only one and the unknown father. And that's why the case went before the court. - The Provincial Administrative Court in Krakow decided that this transcription is admissible. Of course, this judgment is not legally binding - said Jarosław Jagura from the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights.

The prosecutor complained about the decision of the civil registry office, which he rewrote the unusual act. He argued that it was incompatible with the Polish legal order. Because in the Polish constitution and family law, a child must have a father and mother, and a marriage is a relationship between a woman and a man. The judgment is therefore a precedent, but on justified grounds of protection of children's rights and civil rights, which is welcomed by the Ombudsman. Adam Bodnar pointed out that the verdict of the Voivodeship Administrative Court respects the rights of the child, and "if it was different, the child would not be able to obtain the documents that are necessary in everyday functioning". Read more via TVN24

Pierwszy taki wyrok w Polsce. Sąd uznał, że dziecko ma dwie matki

Sąd w Krakowie zatwierdził akt urodzenia dziecka, które ma dwie matki. Uznał, że decyzja urzędnika stanu cywilnego, który przepisał akt brytyjski, była słuszna. Nieprawomocny jeszcze wyrok jest precedensem, bo w polskim prawie dziecko musi mieć ojca i matkę. Materiał magazynu "Polska i Świat" w TVN24.