Switzerland: Marriage for all is appealing to all parties except the UDC

On the final day of the consultation process for the civil marriage project for same-sex couples, all government parties, as well as the Greens and the Liberals, announced their support for the bill. Only the UDC remains reluctant.

The Legal Affairs Committee of the National Council had begun last summer to study two variants for marriage for all, out of prudence: a first provides for the simultaneous granting of same-sex rights to same-sex couples at the same time. those of heterosexual couples, the other not to include, in a first phase at least, the right to procreation medically assisted.

Access to Assisted Reproduction also supported

However, the majority of parties - left, Green Liberals and PLR - finally support the broadest version of marriage for all, ie the "full" version that includes lesbian couples' access to the gift. of sperm to have a child. This is not the one who had the favors of the prognosis at the very beginning of the consultation.

Thus, for the radical liberals, there is "no reason" to justify a difference in treatment between homosexual and heterosexual couples. Socialists see it as "of paramount importance for the full opening of marriage to homosexual couples". As for the Greens, they are only in favor of "full equality with full implementation of marriage for all without reservation".

Late on the rest of Europe

While he acknowledged the existence of "different positions" in his ranks, the PDC has also largely advocated for a marriage for all, without specifying which version of the law he preferred.

As for the SVP, she reiterated that the registered partnership already adopted was largely sufficient and already granted "the same rights and duties" to same-sex couples. He added that granting the right to assisted procreation would de facto discriminate between male and female couples.

Several of the main parties recalled that Switzerland is one of the last countries in Western Europe not yet to have legalized marriage for all. A paradox, they say, because the Federal Constitution already considers discrimination based on lifestyle or sex to be inadmissible. Read more via RTS

Le mariage pour tous séduit tous les partis, à l'exception de l'UDC

Au dernier jour de la procédure de consultation du projet de mariage civil pour les couples de même sexe, tous les partis gouvernementaux ainsi que les Verts et les Verts'libéraux ont annoncé leur soutien au projet de loi. Seule l'UDC reste réticente.

La Commission des affaires juridiques du Conseil national avait commencé à étudier l'été dernier deux variantes pour le mariage pour tous, par prudence: une première prévoit d’octroyer d'un coup aux couples de même sexe des droits identiques en matière de mariage à ceux des couples hétérosexuels, l'autre de ne pas y inclure, dans une première phase du moins, le droit à la procréation médicalement assistée.