Bulgaria: Homophobia scandal hits Plovdiv, Bulgaria's European capital of culture

Plovdiv, one of the 2019 European capitals of culture, has become embroiled in a homophobia scandal as local officials attempt to remove the head of the organising committee over a photographic exhibition featuring LGBT themes.

Officials in the Bulgarian city, which is co-hosting the 2019 edition of the European capital of culture with Matera in Italy, said a “Balkan Pride” photo exhibition due to open in July should be stopped.

“We don’t want them to do it. And we will stop them, using all legal and, if required, illegal means,” said Alexander Sidi, an MP from the nationalist VMRO party. On Monday, the city council will vote on whether to recommend the removal of the municipal cultural foundation head, Svetlana Kuyumdzhieva. It hopes to force the city’s mayor into action.

The exhibition will feature photographs from past gay pride events that took part across the Balkan region, plus a concert and a discussion forum. It is organised by the Glas foundation, an LGBT rights group. Plovdiv, one of the 2019 European capitals of culture, has become embroiled in a homophobia scandal as local officials attempt to remove the head of the organising committee over a photographic exhibition featuring LGBT themes.

Officials in the Bulgarian city, which is co-hosting the 2019 edition of the European capital of culture with Matera in Italy, said a “Balkan Pride” photo exhibition due to open in July should be stopped.

“We don’t want them to do it. And we will stop them, using all legal and, if required, illegal means,” said Alexander Sidi, an MP from the nationalist VMRO party.

On Monday, the city council will vote on whether to recommend the removal of the municipal cultural foundation head, Svetlana Kuyumdzhieva. It hopes to force the city’s mayor into action. The exhibition will feature photographs from past gay pride events that took part across the Balkan region, plus a concert and a discussion forum. It is organised by the Glas foundation, an LGBT rights group. Read more via Guardian