Taiwan: Appointments for gay marriage registration begin in Taipei

TAIPEI (CNA) – Household registration offices across Taipei began yesterday to accept appointments from local residents to register same-sex marriages beginning May 24, the day the Constitutional Court has set for same-sex marriages to be legalized, Taipei City government announced that day.

In line with the Constitutional ruling in 2017, household registration offices in Taipei began taking telephone and on-site appointments for same-sex marriage registration, even though the central government has not yet completed the relevant legal amendments to make same-sex marriage legal, Taipei City Department of Civil Affairs said in a statement.

The online appointment system will not be launched until after May 24, said Tseng Shu-yao (曾書瑤), a section chief from the Taipei City Department of Civil Affairs.

As of 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, 39 same-sex couples had made appointments to be registered as married, Tseng said.

As of press time, no other cities or counties in Taiwan have announced a date on which they will start accepting appointments to register same-sex marriages, as required by the Constitutional Court ruling.

According to the statement, registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. and close at 8:00 p.m. on May 24 at all household registration offices in Taipei. Read more via China Post