Indonesia: North Sumatra University breaks up student forum on LGBT literature

Shortly after disbanding its student press, Suara USU, for publishing an LGBT-themed short story, North Sumatra University (USU) has barred former members of the now-defunct press organization from holding discussions on LGBT issues.

Officials from the USU rectorate made the decision on Tuesday to break up a forum organized by Suara USU to discuss a literary piece titled Semua Menolak Kehadiran Diriku di Dekatnya (Everyone Refuses My Presence Near Her). The piece, which describes the discrimination faced by homosexuals in the country, was written and posted by Yael Stefany Siaga on the Suara USU website. 

The forum, which was attended by literature experts and members of the press, was already well under way when members of the rectorate insisted that the discussion be shut down immediately. The incident faced resistance from students and shows how the university's growing intolerance of the LGBT community is now threatening academic freedom.   Read more via Jakarta Post