US: House to vote on measure opposing Trump transgender troop ban

The House will vote next week on a measure rejecting President Trump’s ban on transgender people serving openly in the military, House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer said Thursday, setting up a likely new congressional rebuke for the White House.

The announcement comes a week after the Pentagon said it would begin enforcing the transgender troop ban for new applicants starting on April 12. Defense Department officials moved ahead with the change following a January Supreme Court ruling backing Trump’s authority to roll back the previous policy established under President Barack Obama.

The House resolution expresses opposition to the presidential order and urges the Pentagon “to maintain an inclusive policy allowing qualified transgender Americans to enlist and serve in the Armed Forces,” but it would not force the military to change its policy if passed. The measure, authored by Rep. Joe Kennedy (D-Mass.), has 187 co-sponsors, all Democrats.

“By implementing a ban that ignores basic science, the sworn testimony of military leadership, and mountains of research, our President and his enablers will inject intolerance into our military, demean their sacrifice and cast doubt on our commitment to that promise,” Kennedy said in a written statement. Read more via Washington Post