UK: Four more Birmingham primary schools suspend LGBT+ lessons

LGBT+ lessons have been suspended at four more primary schools in Birmingham following complaints from parents.

Leigh Trust has said it is stopping the “No Outsiders” programme, where pupils learn about same-sex couples from story books, until it has had “meaningful and open” discussions with all parents.

Parkfield Community School in Birmingham had also halted the lessons following weekly protests by parents who argue children are too young to learn about the topic.

A letter, sent to parents at Leigh Primary School, Alston Primary School, Marlborough Junior and Infants School and Wyndcliffe Primary School, says lessons will not resume until after Ramadan in summer.

Campaign group the Accord Coalition have criticised the academy trust’s decision.

Schools in Greater Manchester have been contacted by parents who are worried about relationships and sex education lessons that cover LGBT+ rights, it has been reported.

The charity Humanists UK has said the move to stop teaching LGBT+ classes, after parents raised religious concerns, was “very alarming”.

Richy Thompson, director of public affairs and policy at the charity, said: “Schools have an important role to educate students about all types of relationships and that includes teaching respect and tolerance for LGBT+ people. Read more via the Independent