Poland: Politician launches movement to take on conservative and religious establishment

A gay atheist has launched his own party in a bid to take on Poland’s conservative political establishment and curb the influence of the Catholic Church.

Robert Biedron announced the name of his party, Wiosna (Spring), to a packed Warsaw conference hall on Sunday in what he hopes will be the first step in unseating Law and Justice, the conservative governing party which has strong Church ties.

The 42-year-old Mr Biedron rose to national prominence when he became the country’s first openly gay MP in 2011, and later went on to become mayor of the northern town of Slupsk. He stepped down from his post at the end of last year to focus on forming a new political movement.

Address a crowd of thousands, Mr Biedron said he wanted to bring an end to the deep divisions in Polish politics and society.

"We want no more Polish-Polish war, we want mutual respect and dialogue” he said. “These last years have been cold and gloomy. Instead of talks we got unending conflict, instead of common good, party interests, instead of empathy, growing enmity. May this change at last". Read more via Telegraph