UK: Historic announcement on LGBT inclusion in England’s schools

Today we celebrate a great step forwards for LGBT inclusion in England’s schools.

Yesterday afternoon, the Government published the final draft guidance for teaching Relationships Education in primary schools, and Relationships and Sex Education in secondary schools.

From September 2020 onwards, all primary schools in England will be required to teach about different families, which can include LGBT families. And at secondary level, all schools in England will be required to teach about sexual orientation and gender identity. 

This teaching is hugely important. In primary schools, teaching about LGBT families ensures that children from LGBT families see themselves reflected in what they learn.

It also helps all young people grow up knowing that there’s absolutely nothing wrong or unusual about being LGBT – helping to prevent the anti-LGBT bullying that remains widespread in our schools.

And through building on this work at secondary level, schools can help all young people, including LGBT young people, make informed decisions, have healthy relationships and grow up feeling proud of who they are. 

By highlighting the need for LGBT-inclusive teaching, this guidance has the potential to drive forward a step-change in the way LGBT people and relationships are taught about in every school in England. 

Now, to make this a reality, it’s vital that the Government sufficiently invests in training and resources for teachers to give them the knowledge and confidence they need. Read more via Stonewall