UK: Queer men of colour are choosing to isolate themselves from mainstream gay culture

A new piece of research has found that queer men of colour are choosing to stay away from mainstream gay culture in fear of experiencing discrimination.

The report outlined that Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority (BAME) gay men are five times more likely to experience discrimination within the LGBTQ community than that of their white counterparts.

The study was conducted by gay dating app Chappy in collaboration with The BAME LGBT Charity – an organisation that strives to empower Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic queer people of colour in the UK.

What’s more, more than a third (35%) of the gay BAME men asked as part of the survey said that they feel they have been racially discriminated against.

“These attitudes aren’t isolated online,” said Ozzy Amir, Founder of The BAME LGBT Charity. “A significant number of people of colour now choose to separate themselves from mainstream gay culture for fear of experiencing the same discrimination and hostility seen online.

“Over a third of BAME gay men surveyed have experienced discrimination. That this figure is five times higher than their white counterparts makes for sobering reading and can hopefully help those who aren’t aware, understand just how endemic this problem is.” Read more via Gay Times



We no longer live under Section 28 – a Conservative Party law passed on 24th May 1988, which stated that UK local authorities "shall not intentionally promote homosexuality or publish material with the intention of promoting homosexuality" or "promote the teaching in any maintained school of the acceptability of homosexuality as a pretended family relationship".

We now have marriage equality. The laws of Britain enshrine our right to be equal. Love is no longer a criminal offence — and in much of Britain, it is no longer shrouded in stigma. But as our LGBTQ+ community continues to make great strides forward, challenges remain.

Some are self-limiting. Many are institutional. Amongst them are age-old conversations, such as workplace discrimination, self- acceptance and social anxiety. However, hidden deeper in the underbelly of our community are the problems of domestic violence, ableism and racism. It would be wrong — IMMORAL — to not take our place within the movements that are still shaping our community for the better.

We also know that we could not exist and thrive without the work of previous generations of gay and bisexual men. We’re able to facilitate matches because others marched. We can now initiate dates because others lobbied. We can marry because others fought and dedicated their lives for changes in legislation. Things that seem so simple and natural now, happen because those that came before refused to accept that there shouldn’t be a tax on being different.

Despite our previous victories, we issue this report to spotlight the discrimination that is still prevalent in Britain today. At Chappy, we wished to better understand how it is to live in Britain as a gay or bisexual man. Some of the stories aren’t easy reading. But we refuse to shirk the difficult topics.

Ultimately, we believe that the price for being gay or bi-sexual needn’t be higher rates of depression, self-harm, domestic abuse or workplace victimisation.

Read the full report