UK: Tories will remain in power after divisive UK election


The Conservative Party have secured a decisive victory in the UK general election, winning a large majority on a platform light on LGBT+ pledges.

The party is on course to receive a total of 365 MPs, having passed beyond the minimum 326 seats needed for victory early on Friday morning with many constituencies still to officially declare. The Labour Party suffered a drastic defeat, claiming just 203 seats, while the Scottish National Party had a good night, claiming 48 of Scotland’s 59’s seats.

Meanwhile, the Liberal Democrats suffered a painful night, claiming just 11 seats. The result means that Boris Johnson will return to his position as British prime minister, and likely locked in Number 10 for the next five years. In what emerged as one of the most splintered, exhausting and vital elections in a generation, voters braved the rain and the cold to tick ballot boxes to decide what vision of the UK they will get behind.

It is one of a hard Brexit, a tough law-and-order approach to crime, an ambiguous future for public health services and a limited focus on LGBT+ rights. Read more via Pink News