US: Jussie Smollett attack: Family releases statement

CHICAGO (WLS) -- "Empire" actor Jussie Smollett's family released a statement in support of him Thursday, the day after Chicago police released photos of "possible persons of interest" in his alleged Streeterville attack.

Smollett's family released the following statement:

"In the early hours of Tuesday morning, our beloved son and brother, Jussie, was the victim of a violent and unprovoked attack. We want to be clear, this was a racial and homophobic hate crime. Jussie has told the police everything from the very beginning. His story has never changed, and we are hopeful they will find these men and bring them to justice. Our family thanks everyone for their prayers and the huge amount of love he has received. We are thankful to our village for your immense support during this trying time. We are so grateful that God saw him through this cowardly attack alive. Jussie is a warrior whose light cannot be dimmed. We want people to understand these targeted hate crimes are happening to our sisters, brothers and our gender non-conforming siblings, many who reside within the intersection of multiple identities, on a monthly, weekly, and sometimes even daily basis all across our country. Oftentimes ending fatally, these are inhumane acts of domestic terrorism and they should be treated as such. They will continue to occur until we hold each other accountable. Make no mistake, words matter. Hateful words lead to hateful actions. Radical love is the only solution, but passivity will be our downfall. We, as a family, will continue to work for love, equity and justice until it reigns supreme in our nation and all over the world.

With love & gratitude,

The Smollett Family"

Prior to the attack on Jan. 22, Smollett had received a letter threat sent to the FOX studio in Chicago which had threatening language and was laced with powdery substance, likely Tylenol. The FBI is investigating that threat.

The actor confirmed to CNN's Don Lemon over the phone that the attack took place. Smollett said he fought back, and is shaken and angry that something like this could happen.

In "Empire," Smollett plays Jamal Lyon, who is gay. Smollett has also come out as gay in real life. He has been on the FOX show since 2015. On Tuesday, 20th Century Fox Television and Fox Entertainment released this statement:

"We are deeply saddened and outraged to learn that a member of our EMPIRE family, Jussie Smollett, was viciously attacked last night. We send our love to Jussie, who is resilient and strong, and we will work with law enforcement to bring these perpetrators to justice. The entire studio, network and production stands united in the face of any despicable act of violence and hate - and especially against one of our own." Read more via ABC