US: ‘Superstore’ actor relishes true-to-life gay Filipino role

For Nico Santos, the role he plays on NBC’s sitcom “Superstore” is personal.

“I never thought in a million years I’d be involved in a project that celebrated the fullness of my identity of being queer and Asian,” Santos told a TV critics’ meeting Tuesday.

He also appreciates the comedy’s focus on what his character, Mateo, has faced after learning that he’s an immigrant in the country illegally.

“I certainly know a lot of members of my community who are undocumented, and that’s so relevant right now. I’ve gotten so many messages from everybody. People stop me wherever I go who are ... just really appreciative of the fact that we’ve tackled the issue, because they themselves are undocumented or a family member or a loved one is undocumented.” Read more via AP