Germans can now choose 'third gender' option on legal records

People who do not fit the biological definitions of male or female in Germany can now be legally identified as a third option on official records from January 1. The new category, "divers," which roughly translates to "other" or "miscellaneous," is included on driving licenses, birth certificates and other official documents. Until now, the only option for those who do not identify themselves as male or female was to leave the gender entry blank.

The ruling will apply to those born as intersex and parents will need a doctor's certificate to mark their child under the new category. Adults registered as male or female will also need a medical certificate to change their gender marker. The update to the constitution was approved in parliament in December 2018 after a German court ruled that there must be a third gender option.

While activists described it as a "small revolution," some LGBT+ campaigners said the new measures did not go far enough.

"If people feel seriously and sustainably not male or female, the law must allow them to legally register their status as they define it,” Germany’s Association of Lesbians and Gays said. It said lawmakers should “make the category ‘divers’ open to all individuals who need it and want it,” without requiring official medical statements.

Third Option said in a statement that the law "excludes many people who have been waiting for this law." Read more via EuroNews