UN: Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent

In accordance with its mandate, the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent, (WGEPAD) studies the problems of racial discrimination faced by people of African descent and gathers all relevant information from Governments, non-governmental organizations and other relevant sources.

In this context, the WGEPAD is gathering all available data and analysis to conduct a mapping exercise and prepare a baseline report on the human rights situation of people of African descent.

This report will serve as a tool to increase visibility, identify gaps and guide the formulation of policies and actions to prevent, combat and eradicate racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, Afrophobia and related intolerance faced by people of African descent. It could also serve as a baseline to measure progress in the realization of the human rights of people of African descent in accordance with international human rights obligations, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and the International Decade for people of African descent: Recognition, Justice and Development (2015-2024).

As part of its preparatory work for the mapping exercise, the WGEPAD requests any and all available data on the human rights situation of people of African descent at the international, regional and national level from Governments, non-governmental organizations, national institutions and all interested stakeholders. A data template is attached to this request you may directly enter the data if you so wish.

In your submissions, please include the data source for example administrative data, census, statistical surveys, non-governmental organization, civil society etc. If data is available, please interpret the data, provide an analysis of any disparities and inequalities faced by people of African descent, and attach the data in a table format with reference or link to the source publication. In particular, the WGEPAD requests any and all available data and analysis regarding people of African descent as follows:

A. Data, analysis and statistics on composition of the population

B. Data, analysis and studies on the human rights situation of people of African descent, including though not limited to: education, health, employment, housing, non-discrimination, access to justice, self-determination, protections for childhood and family, , the criminal justice system, violence, and enjoyment of own culture, religion, and language.

C. Information on measures to address disparities

This information may be sent to the WGEPAD through its Secretariat at the Anti-Racial Discrimination Section of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations Office at Geneva [email protected] and OHCHR Registry [email protected]. Please note that we would like to receive submissions by 28 February 2019.

See the full guidance note here