UK: Holocaust Memorial Day: 'Shocking' levels of denial remain

Five per cent of UK adults do not believe the Holocaust took place and one in 12 believes its scale has been exaggerated, a survey has found.

The poll of more than 2,000 people was carried out by Opinion Matters for the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust (HMDT).

Almost two-thirds of respondents could not say how many Jews were murdered or "grossly" under-estimated the number.

On Sunday, hundreds of thousands of people will gather across the country to mark Holocaust Memorial Day.

Survivors, politicians and members of the public are remembering the six million Jewish victims of the Holocaust, while also marking the 25th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide and 40 years since the end of the genocide in Cambodia.

More than 11,000 activities are taking place on Sunday, including a national commemorative ceremony in Westminster, as well as other events in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Prime Minister Theresa May led tributes online with a message she had written in the Holocaust Educational Trust's book of commitment, calling for people to once again remember the catastrophe. Read more via BBC