Brazil: Queer Brazilians Fear The Worst Under New President Jair Bolsonaro

Brazil’s new president Jair Bolsonaro isn’t wasting any time fulfilling campaign promises to favor “Christian values” over the rights and protections of LGBTQ citizens.

The former army captain was sworn in on January 1, to cheers by his former troops and within his first 48 hours in office, Bolsonaro issued a flurry of new orders that seem ripped right from Donald Trump’s playbook.

One directs his new human rights minister — an evangelical pastor — to ignore all complaints and violations involving lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender, and queer Brazilians. Another executive order threatens indigenous people’s protected lands. He forced out the head of Brazil’s environmental protection agency. A guide to STDs for trans men was eliminated from a government website. The president also merged the ministries of culture, sports, and social development into a single department, which critics fear will drastically undercut funding for public art, youth fitness programs, and fighting hunger. As an art dealer told Smithsonian, “It’s a very dark time in Brazil.”

His actions are of little surprise for activists on the ground and international watchdogs like Human Rights Watch. “President Jair Bolsonaro has made openly homophobic comments,” noted Graeme Reid, director of the LGBT rights program at HRW. “Before he took office, he publicly declared that he is proud to be homophobic and that he would rather have a dead son than a gay son.” Read more via Huffpost