Singapore: LGBTI activists send declarations to Singapore PM

A coalition of LGBTI rights groups in Singapore have written an open letter, calling for greater LGBTI equality, to the country’s prime minister.

The collective, made up of LGBTI community groups, human rights organisations and NGOs, posted the to letter to the office of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on Wednesday.

Building on 10 declarations recently made at the 10th iteration of annual LGBTI rally Pink Dot, the letter makes recommendations to the government to ensure progress towards more LGBTI equality in the city-state.

Among the 10 declarations made at Pink Dot are calls to repeal Section 377A of the Singapore Penal Code, which criminalises sex between men, as well as end censorship of portrayals of LGBTI relationships in the mainstream media.

‘Engaging in an open and transparent way’

‘The reason we are making this public is because we believe in engaging in an open and transparent way with our elected officials, and letting them know that this is what we believe in, and invite them to join with us. Hence the last line in the letter to ‘invite you to help us create avenues for dialogue’,’ Leow Yangfa, the executive director of LGBTI-friendly counselling organisation Oogachaga, told GSN. Oogachaga is one of the signatories to the open letter, alongside groups like the human rights group Maruah, sex workers’ rights group Project X, and the LGBTI-friendly Free Community Church. Read ore via Gay Star News