Australia: Uniting Church to allow same-sex marriages

Same-sex couples will be able to get married in the Uniting Church of Australia after the denomination's national body agreed to alternative new wording.

The church will have two equal yet distinct views on marriage to show the "diversity of Christian belief" among its members after a decision was made on Friday night in Melbourne's southeast.

Members of the church's national decision-making body agreed to adopt a second statement during a seven-day triennial assembly at Box Hill Town Hall. 

"Marriage for Christians is the freely given consent and commitment in public and before God of two people to live together for life," the new additional statement reads.

Under the new ruling ministers will be allowed to conduct - or refuse to conduct - same-sex marriages.

The existing belief statement reads: "Marriage for Christians is the freely given consent and commitment in public and before God of a man and a woman to live together for life".

Uniting Church president Deidre Palmer said the decision came after years of reflection, prayer and discernment, thanking members for their response to "a difficult conversation for many people of faith". Read more via SBS

Read the Church's full report via their website