France: Paris 'rainbow crossings' hit by homophobic graffiti... again

Rainbow pedestrian crossings painted on roads in the Marais district of Paris for Saturday's Gay Pride march have been vandalised with homophobic slogans for the second time this week.

"LGBT dictatorship" and "Hidalgo out!" were scrawled overnight on the road at the crossings in the lively district that is full of bars and restaurants and has long been popular with the city's gay community and visitors.

Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo on Friday morning declared that she would again be asking police to investigate the vandalism, which she said "will not remain unpunished," and ordered municipal workers to remove the offensive slogans.

Similar insults had been painted on the crossings earlier this week, which prompted Hidalgo to declare that the multi-coloured road markings would become a permanent feature in the Marais. Read more via the Local