LGBTI Refugees in East Africa Unite Into Coalition; Call For Greater Representation

Launch of Introduction Video Coincides with Marking Annual “International LGBTI Refugee Day”

Introducing the Refugee Coalition of East Africa (RefCEA), the only refugee-led organization advocating for LGBTI refugees in East Africa. RefCEA is an umbrella organization consisting of several LGBTI refugee organizations in Kenya and Uganda. Members of RefCEA include the Nature's Network, Refugee Flag Kakuma, Cosir, Team No Sleep Foundation, Urban Legacy Africa, and Arise Network.


NAIROBI – Today marks the official launch of the Refugee Coalition of East Africa (RefCEA), a community-based organization for and by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers. The launch of the Coalition coincides with publishing of a Introduction video and a celebration to be held in Nairobi, Kenya.

The overall goal of RefCEA is to unite the various independent refugee organizations in East Africa under an umbrella organization; to facilitate long-term planning; advocacy and representation; fiscal management and fundraising; and oversee research initiatives representing the LGBTI refugee community.

The coalition came about through negotiations between the largest community organizations in Kenya, consisting of Team No Sleep Foundation, Community Support Initiative for Refugees (CoSIR), Natures Network, Refugee Flag Kakuma, Urban Legacy Africa, and Arise Network Africa. Currently, RefCEA represents nearly half of the known LGBTI refugee population in Kenya, with a goal to expand representation into Uganda. The refugees come from multiple countries of origin, such as Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Uganda, South Sudan, Somalia and Ethiopia.

There are over 650 LGBTI refugees in Kenya, with several hundred more in other East African countries. Due to the prevalent homophobia in East and Central Africa, many young LGBTI individuals are forced to flee their homes, seeking safety and anonymity in places like Nairobi, Kenya. Most seek formal refugee status through UNHCR (the United Nations Refugee Agency) with the goal of attaining resettlement in a third country like Canada or Australia. However, due to multiple refugee crisis around the world, a process that can take 3-5 years has slowed down even further and fewer LGBTI persons are being resettled. The Coalition shall work towards better conditions during the waiting period.

The launch of the Coalition coincides with the release of a YouTube video and a call to mark June 27th annually as “International LGBTI Refugee Day”, coming during LGBTI Pride Week, and exactly one week after World Refugee Day. The video is available online at or on the RefCEA website, at Additionally, the Coalition can be found on Facebook at and through the organizations crowdfunding page at

Contact Michael B. Clark [email protected], Advisory Board Member

Or Shadia Naluzze, [email protected], RefCEA Secretary

If you belong to a LGBTI refugee group, please reach out to Mr. Clark as well.