US: Changing Gun Laws Is The Top Issue For LGBTQ People Going Into The 2018 Election

Changing the country’s gun laws is the number one prioirity for LGBTQ Americans heading into the 2018 election, according to a survey by Whitman Insight Strategies and BuzzFeed News. The poll also found those adults, by overwhelming margins, plan to vote against President Donald Trump in the next election.

Seventy-one percent of LGBTQ adults said a politician’s position on guns will impact how they vote this year, while just 9% said a candidate’s view on the subject has no bearing on their vote. Seventy-seven percent said they want to see an assault weapons ban put in place.

The wide-ranging poll of 880 LGBTQ Americans, which asked over 100 questions about politics and life, is one of the most detailed surveys of its type in the United States. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.3%.

Nearly one-fifth of LGBTQ adults named gun control as their top issue. After that, 16% said health care was the priority driving them to the polls in November, followed by 13% who identified jobs and the economy as their top issue. Twelve percent said LGBTQ rights was their leading priority. Read more via Buzzfeed