Canada: Sexually transmitted diseases spike in South

Southern Alberta has seen a spike in a number of highly preventable sexually transmitted infections, prompting Alberta Health Services to issue a reminder about the importance of safe sex practices among all sexually-active age groups – including seniors.

“Over the last number of years we’ve seen a significant increase in the rates of gonorrhea and syphilis across the province,” said Dr. Vivien Suttorp, Lead Medical Officer – South Zone AHS, on Wednesday. “It had sort of a north-south gradient, but it has now also arrived in southern Alberta.”

There were 135 cases of hepatitis C in 2017 in the South Zone, 1,071 cases of chlamydia, 127 cases of gonorrhea, and 13 cases of syphilis – nearly double the rate in 2016.

“In southern Alberta, we’ve seen increases in all of our sexually-transmitted infections, including syphilis and gonorrhea, and chlamydia,” said Suttorp.

It is not unusual for individuals who have an STI to have more than one at the same time. They are caused by a bacteria, virus or parasite passed from one person to another through unprotected sexual contact.

Recently, three new cases of gonorrhea were identified in the South Zone. Individuals with gonorrhea may have numerous sexual contacts – both known to them and anonymous – who have been potentially exposed.

The role of Public Health is to follow up with the known sexual contacts of people who are diagnosed with STIs; to let them know they may have been exposed and to provide information on how to get tested.

New social media tools enable people to communicate quickly to arrange anonymous sexual encounters, resulting in increased difficulty in tracking STIs.

When people don’t know their sexual partners’ identities, it makes it difficult to contact partners for follow-up testing and treatment.

The diseases are not preventable with vaccines, and people can contract them again and again after treatment.

“It’s not something you get immunity to for life,” said Suttorp. “So it’s important we’re all aware of preventative messages throughout our lives.”

If left untreated, STIs can have lasting effects on health and fertility. Even without a symptom, always see a doctor or sexual health service if there is a concern about exposure to an STI.

Suttorp said there are a number of ways to be proactive with prevention. Read more via Lethbridge Herald