We must challenge ‘myth’ that LGBT rights is a Western agenda

The United Nations‘ human rights chief has warned that some nations overseas are attempting to propagate the “myth” that LGBT rights is part of a “Western agenda.”

Speaking at The Economist‘s LGBT-skewed Pride and Prejudice conference in London on Thursday, the UN Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights Andrew Gilmour noted substantial setbacks for global LGBT rights in recent years. 

He said: “The LGBTI agenda in the West has made tremendous progress over the past 10-15 years, but [it] is suffering in many parts of the world. There is a big pushback, partly in reaction to success in the West.

“There is a squeezing of civil society and NGOs that has made things much much harder. There has to be a more intelligent use of leverage, and the private sector [can do a lot] by showing in its own businesses that it doesn’t tolerate discrimination, and actually respects LGBTI people.” Read more via Pink News