Kenya: Calls for condoms in Kilifi show HIV message a success

Raging floods have ravaged the country, leaving a trail of death and destruction. Hundreds of families are depending of relief supplies, having been displaced from their homes.

Amidst all this one woman — displaced from her home and depending on relief supplies — caught the attention of the nation when she boldly urged the government to supply flood victims with condoms.

To many this sounded hilarious. Many wondered whether people ravaged by floods and living in makeshift structures had the energy or time to think about condoms. Why ask for condoms and not food? they asked. This brought into perspective how the public views condoms.

Against the In the backdrop of this outcry, I would like to applaud Kilifi residents for being brave enough to appreciate the important role of condoms in HIV and STI prevention. It is documented that consistent and proper use of condoms is proven to be effective in the prevention of HIV infection by between 80 and 95 per cent. Read more via the Star